Ask not what your TEM can do for you – ask what you can do for your TEM – Seminar and Webinar

When: 13 April 2023, h. 3:00 PM 


F2F: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,S3 Seminar Room, Physics Building, Third Floor, Modena (italy) 


Host: Massimo Rontani 


Electron microscopy is probably the characterisation technique that has made the largest technical progress in the past 20 years. A transmission Electron Microscope has the technology of a miniature accelerator, the potentiality of an electron.optical bench, the best imagining possibility in terms of real space resolution and the possibility to probe electromagnetic absorption with meV resolution in a continuous range of energy from meV to KeV. Moreover recent progress is punishing in the direction of femto- or even atto-second resolution in pump and probe experiments and exploring the quantum nature of electrons with phenomena like electron-electron and electron-photon correlation and entanglement.

I will touch upon many of these topics to give a very broad overview of all these progresses.

While having in mind the (hoped) instrumental developments of the group, the ambition of this talk is to highlight some of the possible directions that the TEM group will take along the “nearest neighbour” collaborators and to seek for possible synergies with other experimental and theory groups in the institute.